Embalenhle- Beautiful flower, that's a woman!
By: Faiza Stone
It is not easy to be a women especially in the times of today. Nevertheless, women always make sure that they find a way to soldier on any given situation. They are often described as strong, compassionate, gentle, soft, loving, caring, powerful, unique and of course extremely beautiful.
A girl child is like a flower and therefore should be nurtured, loved and cared for from a very young age. She should be taught that she is beautiful. Respect and self love should be in graved in her heart. When you love and respect yourself it becomes easy for you to respect others and for them to respect you.
Like singer and songwriter Rihanna says in her song: "Shine bright like a diamond" shine girl and don't let anyone dim your light. Always look up even when the stars aren't shinning.
However, not everyone have the privilege to celebrate the women in their lives due to various reasons so I spoke to a few people to find out what it means to be a women living in South Africa:
"To me it's just a celebration of women, especially women of colour who've marched for us. Woman of all walks of life, doesn't matter if she's a doctor or a cleaner, they love unconditionally, raise their kids and are our support system" Shaun Noel.
"It means to have pride and a strong religious back ground, since the African continent is known for its rich religious ways. To have freedom to an extent.
It means to raise your kids to be what they want to be, but you watch their backs constantly" financial Manager Coreen Cybil Louw-Meyer.
" It means spending time with my family," Ayesha Pandor.
Happy Women's Month, BoMme, Bafazi, Basadi, Amantombazana, Women, En alle dames van Suid-Afrika. Wish u all a blessed month and remember you strike a women you strike a rock.