Dear Muslim Doctors, Circumcision should be free!
By: Faiza Stone
As a muslima and a mother of boys, I feel circumcsion should be made free and available for every muslim child at any muslim healthcare facility.
Circumcsion is the removal of the foreskin covering the glands (head) of the pennis.
For Muslim males circumcision is performed to follow the sunnah of Nabi Muhammed (s.a.w). It also contributes to cleanliness and major personal hygiene.
Government hospitals do not circumcise babies stating that they are too small. Most muslimas give birth at government hospitals because we just cannot afford private hospitals. This leaves us with a huge amount of pressure because all we want to do is get our sons circumcised and follow our deen.
However, it is extremely difficult to do so. You can go to an Allah fearing muslim doctor who knows our deen, and who knows the value of the removal of the foreskin and how much of an obligation it is in our deen, but you still wont be able to get the circumcision done.
This is because they charge way too much money and we just dont have that kind of money. Their prices are ridiculous.
If I don't have the specific amount of money, does it now mean that I cannot fullfil my religious obligation? and my son has to now grow up with that foreskin untill he is old enough to go to a government clinic? This is absurd!
All of this can be avoided. The wait can be avoided. So dear Muslim doctors, just do it for free. Consider it your Zakaat/Saddaqah or lilah if it is permissible. If not, then just do it from the bottom of your heart and consider the healt effects it will have on the child.